Thursday, February 23, 2012

A few of my more colorful artworks

"Hundred Acres Woods Harvest Festival" - Made with watercolor and Acrylic Paints. The background is on a separate piece of paper, so the characters seem to pop out even more then the usual - I love that!

You know-- "Gloomy Days Don't Only Fall On Eeyore's." - made with crayons and colored pencils.

"Pinocchio" - The earliest of my better drawings, this one was done back in 1998 - I was 16 years old! This one is probably my favorite since it has so
much sentimental value.

"Off To Neverland" - Created with watercolor, this was my first attempt to work with watercolor, came out pretty good - so I guess I had beginners Luck :)

"Lilo Hula" - created with a Regular piece of paper and an erasable pen. Close up you can see the pen strokes in Lilo's hair, it added a lot of dimension to her. I might try this again soon, since this one came out so well.

"A bird Friend" - Back in High School my art class was to make a CD insert booklet thing, and being the Disney fanatic I decided to make a Disney songs CD, this page came from that booklet I made. This was created with Acrylic Paints.

"Summer Time Girl" - Inspired by the picture below and how well it came out, I decided to make my own girl, but in the same style as the first girl, "Beach Time Girl". - This was done in Acrylic Paints.

"Beach Time Girl" - This is a copy of a painting I saw online, I love the Red and Yellow - I makes the picture sunny and warm. This was created in Acrylic Paints.

"Thumping A Song" -This is part of the high school CD booklet project, This was the actual cover. Made with my favorite medium, Acrylic Paint.

"There you see her, sitting there across the way..." ahhh, I love that Movie...and here's a painting of my favorite part. This too, was part of the High School CD booklet, made with Acrylic Paint.

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